
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Groundhog Day Story Starters: Fun Groundhog Day Writing Prompts

Let your kiddos have a blast this Groundhog Day with these fun and original Groundhog Day Story Starters. These Groundhog Day writing prompts are sure to get great results. These Groundhog Day story starters encourage students to be creative and come up with creative stories with their Groundhog Day story starters. Plus, they are perfect for your writing centers.

Groundhog Day writing prompts

A story starter is a great tool to get students writing using creative ideas. A story starter provides a prompt that creates a scenario that, well, starts the story. Then students have a free license to finish the story any way they wish. Plus, they help you meet your Common Core narrative writing goals.
Groundhog Day prompts

I took my story starters, added great graphics, put them on pencils, and added them to a canister that I got from the dollar store. Students can choose their own story starter and even use their new pencil and write away through February. You can purchase my Groundhog Day Story Starters {HERE}.


  1. These look so cute! I don't normally focus on Groundhog Day in my classroom, but think these would make a wonderful writing center!

    Joy in the Journey
