Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pi Day Craft - A Math Craft for Pi Day

Pi Day-- This Pi Day Craft is a unique way to display and teach your students about Pi.

Pi Day Craft

You students can create a Pi wind sock (just add streamers or use the Pi medallions) or a standing lantern during your math lesson or as a math center.

Pi Day craft

There are more ways to use this Pi craft in your math class. The digits of Pi 3.141459265358 go in a spiral around the cylinder. You can also use this craft to talk about circles (measure the Pi medallions) and cylinders. Click {HERE} to learn more about this math craft at my teaching resources store.

Easter Bunny's Assistant Crafts

If you are reading Easter Bunny's Assistant with your class, here are two crafts that will work well to extend the book reading. 

First, check out my Easter Bunny's Assistant Sequencing Craft* You can use this Easter Bunny's Assistant Craft to create a craft of a bunny and a skunk where students will sequence the steps for dyeing eggs. The steps present in this how to dye Easter eggs sequencing craft include boiling Easter eggs, adding the dye tablet to a cup, adding the egg to the dye cup, and decorating the egg. You can also use the Easter Bunny and not the skunk craft for Easter crafts not related to the Easter Bunny's Assistant book. You can find this in my store {HERE}.
Easter Bunny's Assistant Sequencing Craft

If you'd like your kids to be able to make skunk and Easter bunny headbands, you may like this craft too. Easter Bunny's Assistant Craft* How about a bunny hat and a skunk hat for Easter? I've combined two of my seasonal hat products to make this literature combo! It includes a printable rabbit craft and skunk craft for your students. Let your students participate in their own Easter bunny's assistant parade with this bunny hat and skunk hat combo this spring or Easter. The rabbit hat comes in color and black and white. The skunk hat also comes in a black and white and color version. This is a simple activity to go along with reading The Easter Bunny's assistant and works for all ages. You will only need to print two pages for each child. You can find this in my store {HERE}.
Easter Bunny's Assistant Craft for kids

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with Science

Looking for a science related craft for Saint Patrick's Day? Are you learning about the weather and need a craft? How about a rainbow craft? 

Add a rainbow craft to your next weather lesson or weather unit. This simple craft lets young students cut and paste and color. Students will cut out the sun, paste the sun rays, glue cotton balls to the cloud (you will need 14 cotton balls for each student or you can use a dauber or bingo marker), and color the colors of the rainbow. This is great for working with learning colors too. (This craft uses purple instead of indigo and violet since those colors are not in the 8 pack of crayons.) This weather craft makes a great bulletin boards too so be sure to display them. You can find this weather rainbow Here 

Saint Patrick's Day Science

You may also like my top selling 3-D Water Cycle Craft HERE

2025 Lunar Eclipse Craft

 Lunar Eclipse* We will experience a total lunar eclipse on March 13, 2025 through March 14, 2025. Do you need a sequencing craft to teach about the total lunar eclipse? 

2025 Lunar Eclipse Craft

Meet your science standards with this lunar eclipse sequencing craft and lunar eclipse posters that you can use as an eclipse teaching tool or an eclipse bulletin board. 

This lunar eclipse set will help you teach your students and homeschool children about lunar eclipses. This lunar eclipse resource contains 5 printable lunar eclipse 2025 posters that illustrate First Contact, Second Contact, Totality, Third Contact, and Fourth Contact.

lunar eclipse craft 2025

Next, your students are ready to work on their eclipse craft.

You can make a lunar eclipse bulletin board with the posters and lunar eclipse sequencing crafts. The students will color and cut out and color the lunar eclipse sequencing cards or use the color version. Then they will paste the eclipse sequencing cards in order. There are two different toppers to choose from: a sun and a moon. 

multi grade eclipse lesson

There are three versions (3 in color/3 black and white) for different grade levels. One set of lunar eclipse sequencing cards includes numbers and images for ordering, one set includes the titles and images, and one set includes just the images. This lunar eclipse craft will work well in your science centers.

Download the preview for a free printable lunar eclipse poster. I also have a solar eclipse sequencing craft in my store if you want more solar eclipse crafts. Check out this new sequencing craft by Robin Sellers HERE

free printable lunar eclipse poster

2025 eclipse

total lunar eclipse March 13, 2025

total lunar eclipse March 14, 2025

lunar eclipse worksheet

lunar eclipse activity

Friday, October 4, 2024

Fall Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Craft for Fall Activities

Who doesn't love to teach about pumpkins? You can do so much with pumpkins in the classroom. I wanted to tie a craft in with the life cycle of a pumpkin.

pumpkin craft

Sequencing cards for the life cycle of a pumpkin are a must to teach young children.

pumpkin craft

pumpkin craftivity

 I combined the two ideas and created this sequencing life cycle of a pumpkin craft. It's a great looking 3-D pumpkin that will look great in your classroom this fall for Halloween and even Thanksgiving too. It will work well for a craft on Halloween day that all parents will approve.
life cycle of a pumpkin sequencing cards

I even added a life cycle of a pumpkin poster to use with this life cycle of a pumpkin lesson.

life cycle of a pumpkin poster

You can find this item at my TpT store {Here}.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Saint Patrick's Day Class Party

Saint Patrick's Day Craft Pack - St. Patrick's Day Party

Do you need some printable resources for your classroom Saint Patrick's day class party? Check out my Saint Patrick's Day Crafts. 

This St. Patrick's Day Craft Party Pack has all you need to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in your classroom!

-It includes a Happy St. Patrick's Day pennant banner for your classroom walls or bulletin board.

 It includes a St. Patrick's Day Rainbow Hat hat where students will color strips with words for the colors in the rainbow or you can print them on colored paper. (I have one set that uses purple and another set that uses indigo and violet.) There is also a color version of the hat.

-You also get a color and black and white version of the Pot of Gold Saint. Patrick's Day Necklace.
-There are also strips with 2, 5, and 10 St. Patty's symbols on them for your students to make chains and practice counting by 2s, 5s, or 10s.
-I've also included a set of color St. Patrick's Day cupcake toppers to make your class party complete. You can also use these as small badges. Enjoy! Check out my resource {HERE}.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Gingerbread Man Sequencing Cards {Gingerbread Man Craft}

Gingerbread* Create a gingerbread craft this Christmas or winter with this gingerbread man sequencing card craft. 

gingerbread man craft

There are three versions of the gingerbread man sequencing cards. One version includes baking gingerbread dough; the gingerbread man running from the old man and old woman; the gingerbread man running from the farm animals including the pig, cow, and sheep; and the gingerbread man and the fox. Version two includes baking gingerbread dough; the gingerbread man running from the old woman; the gingerbread man running from the cow and dog; and the gingerbread man and the fox. The third gingerbread story includes baking gingerbread dough; the gingerbread man running from the old man and old woman; the gingerbread man running from the farm animals including the pig, cow, and horses; and the gingerbread man and the fox. 

gingerbread man printable

Students can use the craft to retell the gingerbread man story and work on their sequencing skills. This craft makes a great gingerbread class display too. 

gingerbread man sequencing

It can be folded up like a little gingerbread book too. Hope you enjoy this gingerbread activity. Find this activity {HERE}.
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